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Dear Readers,

My fairy tale quest has been an inner journey since I was a very young girl. I wanted nothing more than to explore the fairy tale worlds I found in my books. They were more real to me than my so-called “real life.” Even after all these years I’ve never lost that wish.

The work I do has grown and changed along with me and now comes in many shapes and sizes. This newsletter is one of many ways I work with people to help them find what they once knew they had.

In the past (and present) I teach classes on fairy tales where everyone gets to revisit the stories they knew and loved. In the process they discover what mattered to them then and how it has shaped and colored their life right up to present day.

I offer fairy tale writing workshops for those who want to find their own tale.

I host Fairy Tale Clubs as a way for people to continue to meet and discuss fairy tales on a regular basis. Once you’ve entered this magical kingdom it’s hard to leave. The clubs are more free-form than the classes and workshops and full of surprises. Everyone contributes to the search for new fairy tales as well as leading the discussions that arise. Different perspectives abound and enrich all of our knowledge and understanding.

I've written plays and offer theater classes for children that focus on fairy tale themes.  There's real magic when you engage with kids in that way.

I also write for myself as well as others. This newsletter is an example. My writing comes from my efforts to describe the search for answers and for meanings that arise when I go deep into these tales. Engaging with the questions that fairy tales bring can lead to new and marvelous adventures of the mind and spirit. I urge everyone who gets close to fairy tales to find ways to capture what they’ve encountered by writing it down.

I’m also available as a Story Consultant. I work with writers who are interested in writing and exploring their own personal story.

Fairy Tales have hidden depths and meaning that can enrich our lives if we only knew where to look. This newsletter will explore our experiences when we engage with these stories. We’ll meet old friends - Cinderella will be there, as well as Beauty and her Beast, the Snow Queen, and many others. We’ll reunite with some of our old storybook friends and make new ones, as we examine tales from around the world. We’ll consider the many possible meanings they hold — for us as children and now as adults. In the process, we’ll discover what mattered to us then and how it has shaped and colored our lives right up to the present day. This newsletter will look at the structure and meaning of fairy tales and explore such common concepts as evil in fairy tales, the role of magical helpers, and what Happily Ever After might actually mean.

Each fairy tale journey is personal and unique to us all. The same tale can be read at different times with new and unforeseen results. When we deeply engage with them they never grow tired or old. I hope you enjoy the experience…

Publication Frequency

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. The newsletter will appear a couple of times a month, usually on the first day of every month. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

Join us

What’s most interesting about the ideas you’ll find in the newsletter is what readers have to say. Comments, suggestions, outright disagreements help bring the ideas to life. Each subsequent topic is richer for your participation.

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Subscribe to The Fairy Tale Experience

Fairy Tales are not what you think they are. They've been told and retold for millennia and they are as relevant today as they've always been. Join us as we explore the hidden treasures and meanings that lie within.
